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A 28nm Low-Voltage Digital Power-Amplifier for QAM-256 WIFI Applications in 0.5mm2 Area w/ 2D Digital-Pre-Distortion and Package Combiner

TitleA 28nm Low-Voltage Digital Power-Amplifier for QAM-256 WIFI Applications in 0.5mm2 Area w/ 2D Digital-Pre-Distortion and Package Combiner
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPassamani, A, Ponton, D, Wolter, A, Knoblinger, G, Bevilacqua, A
Conference Name2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)
Date PublishedDec
KeywordsArea, CMOS technology, Combiner-in-Package, DAT, DPA, DPD, efficiency, EVM, power, power amplifier, power amplifiers, Power Combiner, Power combiners, Power generation, Power measurement, Pre-Distortion, System-in-Package, WIFI, Windings, Wireless, Wireless fidelity