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A SiGe bipolar VCO for backhaul E-band communication systems

TitleA SiGe bipolar VCO for backhaul E-band communication systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsPadovan, F, Tiebout, M, Mertens, K, Bevilacqua, A, Neviani, A
Conference NameProceedings of the 2012 ESSCIRC
Date PublishedSept.
Keywordsbackhaul E-band communication system, bipolar integrated circuits, frequency 18.9 GHz to 22.1 GHz, Frequency measurement, frequency multiplier, Ge-Si alloys, K-band, K-band SiGe bipolar VCO, microwave oscillators, phase noise, SiGe, Silicon germanium, Tuning, voltage-controlled oscillators
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