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A micro-power low noise log-domain amplifier for the sensing chain of a cardiac pacemaker

TitleA micro-power low noise log-domain amplifier for the sensing chain of a cardiac pacemaker
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsGerosa, A, Novo, A, Mengalli, A, Neviani, A
Conference NameCircuits and Systems, 2001. ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on
Keywords0.8 micron, 2.8 muW, 50 to 70 dB, active filters, cardiac pacemaker, cardiac signal, class AB log-domain 2nd order band-pass filter, CMOS, CMOS analogue integrated circuits, feedback amplifiers, input-referred noise, integrated circuit noise, low-power electronics, micro-power low noise log-domain amplifier, pacemakers, programmable gain, sensing chain, weak inversion
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