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S. Marconi, Barbero, M. B., Fougeron, D., Godiot, S., Menouni, M., Pangaud, P., Rozanov, A., Breugnon, P., Bomben, M., Calderini, G., Crescioli, F., Le Dortz, O., Marchiori, G., Dzahini, D., Rarbi, F. E., Gaglione, R., Krüger, H., Daas, M., Dieter, Y., Hemperek, T., Hügging, F., Moustakas, K., Pohl, D., Rymaszewski, P., Standke, M., Vogt, M., Wang, T., Wermes, N., Karagounis, M., Stiller, A., Marzocca, C., Marzocca, G., De Robertis, G., Loddo, F., Licciulli, F., Andreazza, A., Liberali, V., Stabile, A., Frontini, L., Bagatin, M., Bisello, D., Gerardin, S., Mattiazzo, S., Paccagnella, A., Vogrig, D., Bonaldo, S., Bacchetta, N., Gaioni, L., De Canio, F., Manghisoni, M., Re, V., Riceputi, E., Traversi, G., Ratti, L., Vacchi, C., Androsov, K., Beccherle, R., Magazzu, G., Minuti, M., Morsani, F., Palla, F., Poulios, S., Bilei, G. M., Menichelli, M., Placidi, P., Dellacasa, G., Demaria, N., Mazza, G., Monteil, E., Pacher, L., Paternò, A., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M. D. Da Roch, Gajanana, D., Gromov, V., van Eijk, B., Kluit, R., Vitkovskiy, A., Benka, T., Havranek, M., Janoska, Z., Marcisovsky, M., Neue, G., Tomasek, L., Kafka, V., Vrba, V., Lopez-Morillo, E., Palomo, F. R., Muñoz, F., Vila, I., Jiménez, E. M. S., Abbaneo, D., Christiansen, J., Orfanelli, S., Casas, L. M. Jara, Conti, E., Bell, S., Prydderch, M. L., Thomas, S., Christian, D. C., Deptuch, G., Fahim, F., Hoff, J., Lipton, R., Liu, T., Zimmerman, T., Miryala, S., Garcia-Sciveres, M., Gnani, D., Krieger, A., Papadopoulou, K., Heim, T., Carney, R., Nachman, B., Renteira, C., Wallangen, V., Hoeferkamp, M., and Seidel, S., Design implementation and test results of the RD53A, a 65 nm large scale chip for next generation pixel detectors at the HL-LHC, in 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC), 2018.
A. Bevilacqua, Camponeschi, M., Tiebout, M., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., Design of broadband inductorless LNAs in ultra-scaled CMOS technologies, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008. ISCAS 2008. , 2008, pp. 1300 -1303.
F. Padovan, Tiebout, M., Mertens, K. L. R., Bevilacqua, A., and Neviani, A., Design of Low-Noise K -Band SiGe Bipolar VCOs: Theory and Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 62, pp. 607-615, 2015.
A. Graell i Amat, Benedetto, S., Montorsi, G., Vogrig, D., Neviani, A., and Gerosa, A., Design, Simulation, and Testing of a CMOS Analog Decoder for the Block Length-40 UMTS Turbo Code, Communications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 54, pp. 1973 -1982, 2006.
A. Gerosa, Soldà, S., Bevilacqua, A., Vogrig, D., and Neviani, A., A digitally programmable ring oscillator in the UWB range, in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),, 2010, pp. 1101 -1104.
A. Gerosa, Xotta, A., Neviani, A., and Mian, G. A., Frequency Offset Compensation in Fractionally Spaced Equalization, IEE PROCEEDINGS. CIRCUITS, DEVICES AND SYSTEMS, vol. 150, pp. 134–140, 2003.
S. Veni, Caruso, M., Seebacher, D., Neviani, A., and Bevilacqua, A., A Fully Integrated 28 GHz Class-J Doherty Power Amplifier in 130 nm BiCMOS, in SMACD / PRIME 2021; International Conference on SMACD and 16th Conference on PRIME, 2021.
A. Bevilacqua, Sandner, C., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., A fully integrated differential CMOS LNA for 3-5-GHz ultrawideband wireless receivers, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 16, pp. 134 -136, 2006.
A. Gerosa, Maniero, A., and Neviani, A., A Fully-Integrated Dual-Channel Log-Domain Programmable Preamplifier and Filter for an Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS. I, REGULAR PAPERS, vol. 51, pp. 1916–1925, 2004.
A. Gerosa, Maniero, A., and Neviani, A., A Fully-Integrated Two-Channel A/D Interface for the Acquisition of Cardiac Signals in Implantable Pacemakers, in ESSCIRC, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 157–160.
A. Gerosa, Neviani, A., and Maniero, A., A Fully-Integrated Two-Channel A/D Interface for the Acquisition of Cardiac Signals in Implantable Pacemakers, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, vol. 39, pp. 1083–1093, 2004.
S. Dal Toso, Bevilacqua, A., Tiebout, M., Da Dalt, N., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., An Integrated Divide-by-Two Direct Injection-Locking Frequency Divider for Bands S Through Ku, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, pp. 1686 -1695, 2010.
M. Bassi, Caruso, M., Khan, M. S., Bevilacqua, A., Capobianco, A. - D., and Neviani, A., An Integrated Microwave Imaging Radar With Planar Antennas for Breast Cancer Detection, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, pp. 2108-2118, 2013.
M. Bassi, Bevilacqua, A., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., Integrated SFCW Transceivers for UWB Breast Cancer Imaging: Architectures and Circuit Constraints, Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 59, pp. 1228 -1241, 2012.
A. Bevilacqua, Maniero, A., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., An Integrated Solution for Suppressing WLAN Signals in UWB Receivers, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 54, pp. 1617 -1625, 2007.
M. Bassi, Bevilacqua, A., Gerosa, A., and Neviani, A., Integrated Transceivers for UWB Breast Cancer Imaging: Architecture and Circuit Constraints, in 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2011, pp. 2087-2090.
A. Graell i Amat, Vogrig, D., Benedetto, S., Montorsi, G., SOLDA, S., Neviani, A., and Gerosa, A., Iterative Analog Decoder for a SCCC, in Analog Decoding Workshop, 2006.
F. Padovan, Tiebout, M., Mertens, K., Bevilacqua, A., and Neviani, A., A K-band SiGe bipolar VCO with transformer-coupled varactor for backhaul links, in 2013 IEEE 13th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF),, 2013, pp. 108-110.
